Sometimes you feel like you’re stuck inside a hamster wheel. You’re running so quickly and so much, yet you’re stuck in the same place. You want to stop. No, you probably should stop. You can’t afford to, though, the world feels like it’s slipping through your fingers ever so easily. If you don’t continue running, you’ll for sure lose everything you’ve worked for so far. 

But, will you actually?

This emotionally exhausting feeling that you might encounter at some point or another in life is called a Burnout. It occurs as a result of continuously accumulated stress over a period of time. The funny thing about a Burnout is that it’s the kind of stress that’s hard to avoid. Oftentimes, you might even feel like it’s some sort of proof that you’ve done your very best, that you deserve the win that should be coming towards you.

You’ve been running so far, shouldn’t you be reaching your goals by now?

But instead, you find yourself standing in the exact, same spot as the one you started from. The only difference is that you feel a lot more exhausted than you did before. The dreams that once were the biggest motivation to wake you up in the morning feel strangely draining.

Breathe in, breathe out. You’re getting through this.

You just need a step in the right direction.


Recognize Your Struggle and Find the Source

The first thing you need to do is accept the fact that you’re in trouble. As you do so, you’ll have to start looking for the source of said trouble. What was it that sprouted the stress in the first place? Is it a heavily packed schedule? Is it the constant self comparison to your peers? Is it the tendency to procrastinate? Find what needs to be changed. 


Find the Immediate Changes You Can Make

What can you quickly take out of the equation to simplify it? Can you shift anything from your schedule? Is it possible to ask your boss to lighten your workload? This option may not always be available, but when it is, it really helps to make some room to stretch.


Get Some Small Wins in

Do tasks that won’t require much effort and are easy to clear out. For example, you can try doing the laundry, cleaning your room, or washing the dishes. Such activities may reset your mind and remind yourself that you really are a goal finisher.


Restructure Your Habits

When you’re feeling down, it’s pretty tempting to sleep in through the day and escape from the unappetizing reality. Sometimes you might fall back into bad habits. You might even push yourself too hard. Try to implement some small changes in your daily life. You can start waking up in the morning a tiny bit earlier and sleeping at night a bit earlier as well. Maybe you can even get some exercise in, maybe eat healthier food. If your mental health is taking a hit, your physical health should at least not be dragged along with it.


Find Support

Allow yourself to share the load with your friends, family, or even a therapist. Opening up might be one of the most effective ways to help reorganize your thoughts. Not to mention, one of the people you talk to may actually be able to offer some help.


Know When It’s Time to Back Out

Different than simply giving up, consider the possibility of a strategic withdrawal. Often, this is a better option than losing completely. Remove yourself as you’re getting weaker to regroup and refocus at a later time when you’re stronger. Accept that it’s sometimes okay to get a bad grade or submit a late assignment. It only means that next time you will definitely make up for it.


Surrounded by a world that’s constantly moving at a fervent pace, it can feel more than difficult to even breathe. As suffocating as it feels in your head, remember that everyone who has ever created something worthwhile was a person like you once.

The future is full of possibilities. There are way too many of them for you to care about letting a few of those possibilities go.



Image Source: Unsplash
