Jakarta, 10 Agustus 2024 – In this summer, AIESEC in UPNVJ successfully held a hybrid Impact Circle. This year marked the 6th edition of AIESEC in UPNVJ’s Impact Circle, themed “Impact Circle 6.0: From BtoB”. The event provided a platform for young individuals to expand their understanding of mental health issues, focusing on the topic “Synchronizing Wellness for Optimal Performance and Growth”, which aligns with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Impact Circle serves as a platform created by AIESEC to engage youth, encouraging them to contribute, discuss, raise awareness, and enhance their knowledge on important topics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this event, we aim to encourage young people to become more aware of global issues. By introducing them to the SDGs, we seek to provide valuable insights, empowering them to create tangible impacts in their environment and society, regardless of their backgrounds.

Impact Circle 6.0 logo of AIESEC UPNVJ

The logo of Impact Circle 6.0, AIESEC UPNVJ.

“From BtoB” stands for “From Burnout to Balance” and marks the 6th Impact Circle hosted by AIESEC in UPNVJ. We chose SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being because it is a crucial and highly relatable issue for today’s youth. The topic “Synchronizing Wellness for Optimal Performance and Growth” is intended to be highly beneficial for many young individuals. Our goal for this event is to raise awareness among youth about the importance of mental health and how to effectively address burnout.

This event was held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, through both online and offline platforms. We used Zoom Meeting for the online portion, while the offline portion took place at Auditorium Fakultas Kedokteran lt. 3, Gedung Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Kampus Pondok Labu, UPN Veteran Jakarta. The agenda began with an opening plenary, followed by two speaker sessions, a session review/focus group discussion, rewards and recognition, and concluded with the closing plenary.

Main session by both speakersMain session by both speakers at Impact Circle 6.0

We invited two speakers who are experts in mental health to share their insights. The sessions delivered by both speakers reflected the theme we are advocating for this year. The first speaker was Co-Founder of Santosha Mental Health Center, Lady Noor Chita, delivered a session titled “The Role of Mindfulness and Self-Care in Preventing Burnout”. Then the second speaker was Co-Founder of Sehatjiwa.id, Puspita Alwi, presented a session titled “Balancing Hustle Life with Personal Well-being”.

Moreover, the seminar aimed to inspire a generation of leaders committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. By highlighting successful case studies and impactful projects, AIESEC in UPNVJ Impact Circle sought to showcase the transformative power of grassroots efforts and policy advocacy in encouraging youth to be aware of the importance of self-awareness and prioritization within hustle culture. Ultimately, the seminar aimed not only to raise awareness but also to ignite actionable steps toward building resilient health systems and fostering a culture of health equity and inclusivity within and beyond the university campus.

Group photo with the organizing committee of Impact Circle 6.0 “BtoB”Group photo with the organizing committee of Impact Circle 6.0 “BtoB”.

We successfully reached over 268 participants through a combination of online and offline channels. This significant reach was made possible through our collaboration with 20 partners, including companies, media outlets, student organizations, and community groups. This broad partnership network helped us engage a wide audience and ensure a rich and diverse experience for all participants.

Our efforts were reflected in the high level of satisfaction among participants, with an impressive average satisfaction score of 8.6 out of 10. This score is a testament to the quality and impact of our event, as well as the dedication of our team and partners.

Additionally, we are proud to announce that we successfully conducted the Impact Circle with the highest number of participants ever achieved by AIESEC in UPNVJ. This milestone demonstrates our ability to organize and deliver an impactful event that resonates with a large audience, further establishing our presence and influence within the community.
