Jakarta, 23 August 2024 Hi, Change Makers! Have you ever participated in a volunteering project that not only contributes to the surrounding environment, but also offers training, international networking, and personal development focus?

Let’s dive into the volunteer experience of β€œVitation: Stay Healthy Together, With You Wellness” a Local Project from AIESEC at UPNVJ focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Number 3: Good Health and Well-being. This project aims to promote and raise awareness about health and well-being in Indonesia. Additionally, the program prioritizes the health and well-being of children and adolescents, including healthy lifestyles, environmental health, and mental health. Vitation is conducted in a hybrid format with a project duration of 4 weeks.

What are the agendas of the Local Project by AIESEC in UPNVJ ?

1. Main Focus of Vitation

Health is a right for everyone. However, many people still do not receive this right. We often hear or see news about the declining health, especially among children in Indonesia, or such incidents happening around us. In response to these implications, Vitation is committed to SDG Number 3, aiming to create a movement that promotes good health and well-being awareness, especially for children.

2. Knowledge Development and Training for Change Makers

Knowledge about health and healthy lifestyles has its own specificity and requires explanations from experts. Therefore, this project invites 6 experienced speakers in the fields of health and teaching to provide training sessions to change makers. In this project, these sessions are called webinar series, held 6 times on different days. Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle This project, which supports a healthy lifestyle, facilitates change makers with a healthy walk session on Sunday car-free days. Change makers also have hangout time with their group mates to boost motivation. Additionally, there is a company visit activity to PT Amerta Indah Otsuka in Sukabumi Regency. This activity is part of the sessions that provide knowledge about the importance of keeping the body hydrated.

3. Healthy Lifestyle Counseling for Children

This activity is the core of the Vitation project and provides a volunteer experience for change makers. Change makers experience the excitement of teaching elementary school children at Sekolah Master Indonesia (SMI), who have a high enthusiasm for learning. In this activity, change makers present teaching materials about a healthy lifestyle to SMI children based on the training they received.

Vitation change makers teaching elementary school children at Sekolah Master Indonesia (SMI) about healthy lifestyles.The Process of Teaching Elementary School Children at Sekolah Master Indonesia (SMI).

This activity provides a memorable experience for change makers, where they encounter a challenging environment as teachers. Change makers implement all the training well so that the children from SMI receive outputs such as information about body weight and height.

4. Building Relations with AIESEC Partner

After completing the project focus on supporting health and well-being sustainability, change makers are invited to build relationships with AIESEC in UNSOED and AIESEC in CUK, South Korea. This opens up opportunities for change makers to expand their international network and exchange experiences.

5. Positive Impact of the Vitation Project

The series of events over 4 weeks has a positive impact on raising awareness of a healthy lifestyle. This activity demonstrates that young people can make a significant contribution to supporting the sustainability of SDG Number 3 in Indonesia. Through this project, awareness of the importance of health and well-being increases among children and adolescents.

Group photo of Vitation OCs, change makers, and elementary school children at Sekolah Master Indonesia (SMI) after a successful health and well-being session.Group Photo with Vitation OCs, Change Makers, and Elementary School Children at Sekolah Master Indonesia (SMI).

For the latest information about our activities, visit the Instagram account of AIESEC in UPNVJ at @aiesecupnvj so you don’t miss any interesting updates!
