About AIESEC in Indonesia
AIESEC is a global youth-led organization striving to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential by activating leadership qualities in youth. AIESEC spreads across 106 nations and territories, including Indonesia. AIESEC in Indonesia established in 1984 aims to develop youth to make a better Indonesia right now and in the future.
AIESEC Portofolio
Engagement with AIESEC (EwA)

Experiential Leadership Development (ELD)

Brand Activation (BA)

AIESEC in Indonesia presents you with our blogs and press releases for you to know more about us and our programs. So prepare your devices, have your time, and enjoy our writings!
AIESEC in Trisakti Ciptakan Pendidikan Inklusif Untuk Masa Depan
Jakarta, 23 Maret 2025 — AIESEC in Trisakti berhasil melaksanakan Local Project Winter Peak yang bertemakan Symphony of Starlight 1.0, mulai tanggal 20 Januari hingga 14 Februari...
Ingin Jadi Marketing Executive di Luar Negeri? Global Talent Aja!
Yogyakarta, 22 Maret 2025 — Kamu punya skill marketing? Yakin, nggak mau coba ke luar negeri? Mendingan ikut Global Talent aja! Kamu bisa mengasah kemampuanmu, meningkatkan...
#EPStories: Serunya Jadi Volunteer dari Kacamata Keisha!
Surabaya, 22 Maret 2025 — Jadi seorang volunteer nggak hanya tentang membantu orang lain lho, guys! Tapi juga tentang menemukan versi terbaik diri seseorang. Contohnya, Keisha...
Mulai Bisnis di Usia Muda? Ampuh Pakai Trik Ini!
Yogyakarta, 18 Maret 2025 — Guys! Pernah kepikiran buat bangun bisnis di usia muda? Tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana? Tenang, kamu nggak sendirian! Gimana kalau kamu cobain 5...
Partner with Us?
AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential.
We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education.

– Shafira Ranandya Hermawan
Marketing Assistant, Serbia

“During my six weeks as a volunteer teacher in Thailand, I felt incredibly happy and content. I gained numerous new experiences, such as interacting with amazing students and teaching in a different environment. I was genuinely excited to contribute to the education there and witnessed the enthusiasm of the students during the lessons. It was an extraordinary and memorable experience for me.”
– Angela Gracela
Teaching Volunteers, Thailand

“Being an intern through Global Talent is such a great experience. I did an internship at Tata Consultancy Services Philippines, a company in the Philippines, which focuses not only on this country, but also on Asia Pacific. I learned and improved my skills on Corporate Learning and Development, Training Facilitation, Management Information System during my internship.”
– Dio Anamia
Intern at Tata Consultancy Services

“As a freshman, AFL has been a place to make new friends from new places. Along with learning new skills, being able to meet other students who share similar values has been the greatest part of AFL. Getting the opportunity to get to know AIESEC members and see how AIESEC has developed them has also been very exciting. I hope to continue to develop myself in the coming years so that I will be able to play a part in the impact that AIESEC is making in the world.”
– Jeremy Kester Hanani
AIESEC Future Leaders Attendee