Youth Today

Youth Today is a webinar event held by AIESEC in Indonesia to connect youth to create awareness regarding the importance of developing their leadership. We want to stress that youths today are leaders through this interactive webinar that aims to bring relevant topics & discussions to youth for them to have world awareness, leadership skills, and connecting impact. In 2020, AIESEC in Indonesia had managed to do 20+ Virtual Youth Today events, attended and engaged 6k+ youths across Indonesia. This year Youth Today hopes to engage more youths and develop more youth in Indonesia.

Ongoing Events


Greetings to all of you, from AIESEC in USU!🤩

Untuk para anak muda yang ingin merasakan pengalaman mengetahui lebih dalam terkait pengembangan leadership skills dan study exchange, this ticket is special for you!
You are invited as one of our special delegates in Youth Today x Schoters!✨

Don’t worry, karena Youth Today hadir untuk menjawabnya!

Acara Youth Today x Schoters GRATIS UNTUK UMUM!

Manfaat mengikuti Youth Today x Schoters!
– E-Certificate
– Relasi
– Mendapatkan insight baru
– Speaker yang berpengalaman
– Voucher untuk English Academy
– Voucher untuk program Schoters


Saturday, October 07th, 2023

13.00 (WIB)

đź“Ť Zoom Meeting

Our Past Events


“Overall the event is great, it has an interesting title. It is suitable and relatable with the current events that happen to college students. The speakers were also great as they shared their great experiences. There’s also a speaker who shared her story during her college and work life journey, which makes it easier to understand how to apply the importance of mental health in real life. I enjoyed the sessions as I also got a lot of insights from the speaker. It could be better if there was some background music at the beginning or closing so it didn’t feel so quiet. Congratulations for completing the event!”

Anisa Daffa  –
Youth Today “A Desperately Needed Break that We Didn’t Know We Needed”

“The topic itself has intrigued me from the first time I signed up because it discusses the quarter-life crisis. For me, it’s eye-opening and relates to my current condition. It turns out that I’m not the only one who feels that way, others feel the same way. The speaker was fully explained. They also discussed internships, how we act for the internships, what can be taken, and how to improve ourselves as a person. So in the session, it was very informative, and also the speakers were clear in explaining”

Nabila Syifa Nuraini ~
Youth Today – “Prepare Your Career Through International Internship in Quarter Life Crisis”

“Menurutku, acaranya seru banget kayak komunikatif dan materinya menarik cocok untuk aku yang memang lagi mikirin karir dan jadi tau juga apa aja yang harus disiapkan dari sekarang… Cuman agak kurang si waktu untuk sesinya jadi materinya ga bisa didapatkan full tapi untungnya ada dikasih materinya sama panitia jadi seneng banget bisa di baca baca ulang juga… Aku enjoy si selama webinarnya, jadi dapat ilmu baru terus dengerin pengalaman pengalaman dari speakernya, dan termotivasi juga… Thank you dan good luck ya buat AIESEC in Trisakti”

Elliza Putri
Youth Today – “Building a powerful personal branding to prepare your career”

“Youth Today was a beneficial webinar I attended in 2021. It gave me a brief explanation about digital transformation especially in the economy and broadened my horizon about jobs and internships in other countries.”

Sheli Angraini Panggabean
Youth Today – “ Digital Era 101: IT and Marketing as the Leading Job Prospects of the Future”

“I  really enjoyed the “Youth Today” event. The most interesting part is the “how to say no” session, and I feel like it’s very related to my life and problems. I love getting lots of tips and tricks from this event, and also learn how to dare to say no.”

Ferdian Hafiz
Youth Today – “Discover and Beyond: Navigating Yourself to Future Career Fulfillment ”

“So happy to join this event! Youth Today organized by AIESEC UIN Jakarta is very useful, with lots of lessons and materials that will help in the future. The most interesting part for me is the material session! The speakers were great & amazing, also the MC and moderator were very exciting! many small things that must be considered in achieving dreams, so explore your interest, starting small, joy the little things, be mindful are some of the pillars that must we have❤ Youth Today really opens up insights about the world of self-development, so I am more confident in reaching my dreams, Thank you AIESEC and team!”

Shafa Najmi
Youth Today – “Discover and Beyond: Navigating Yourself to Future Career Fulfillment”