Volunteering is not just about giving back – it’s about gaining a whole lot too! Whether you are teaching math to kids or helping out at a local shelter, there is a bunch of cool stuff that comes with volunteering.

1. Make Yourself Grow

When you volunteer, you’re not just helping others – you’re helping yourself too! You’ll pick up all sorts of skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and maybe even a bit of leadership skill. Plus, you’ll learn about what makes you tick and what gets you excited.

2. Building Connections

Volunteering is like a secret handshake into a club of awesome people. You’ll meet friends from all walks of life who share your passion for making the world a better place. Together, you’ll laugh and maybe shed a tear or two – and you’ll come out with friends for life.

3. Make an impact

When you volunteer, you’re making a real difference. Whether it’s cleaning up a river or teaching someone a new skill, every little bit counts. And knowing you’ve helped someone out? That feeling is priceless.

So, wanna start volunteering? Come hang with us at Outgoing Global Volunteer with AIESEC in Unpad! We’re a global and leadership organization of changemakers, dreamers, and anyone who is passionate about making a difference.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to embark on a journey of personal growth, global adventure, and making a real difference in the world, then Global Volunteer by AIESEC in Unpad is the place for you. Sign up now at aiesec.or.id/globalvolunteer and let’s spread some kindness wherever we go!