AIESEC in Indonesia and Earth Hour Indonesia, a community created by the World Wide Fund (WWF) Indonesia Foundation, held a collaborative campaign on March 26th, 2022. This campaign is a part of the global movement to raise awareness and promote active action against climate change. The focal point of the collaboration is call to action for everyone to participate an online symbolic movement to turn off all lights and idle electronic devices for 60 minutes. It start between 20.30 to 21.30 (of local time). This particular movement is an annual and global tradition that repeats on the last Saturday of every March. As part of the campaign, on March 26th at 20.30, AIESEC in Indonesia posted an Instagram story with the interactive ‘add yours’ feature. we are calling for people all over Indonesia to participate in sharing their ‘Switch Off’ moment.

Shape the Future: #IniAksiku

This year is an especially crucial year for the world to remember the importance of climate action. As the world is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and the abundance of natural disasters in the past couple of years, it is unequivocally essential for global awareness to be on the rise. AIESEC in Indonesia played an active role as a partner of Earth Hour Indonesia. AIESEC in Indonesia played an active role by developing the promotional content series “Shape the Future: #IniAksiku”. We aim that these contents can consistently remind the public of leading up to the climax of the campaign through Instagram. And as a result, we can achieve our goal to raise people awareness regarding the environment.

Diskusi Sampah Plastik (Plastic Waste Discussion)

However, the AIESEC in Indonesia x Earth Hour Indonesia campaign wasn’t only limited to Instagram. It continued on the 26th of March, via Earth Hour Indonesia’s YouTube channel at 09.00 to 12.00 WIB. Started with a discussion entitled, “Diskusi Sampah Plastik (Plastic Waste Discussion)”. The discussion is led by the Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ir. H. Ahmad Riza Patria, MBA, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, the Assistant of Economy and Development of the Depok Regional Secretariat, Sidik Mulyono, the Acting CEO of the WWF Indonesia Foundation, Aditya Bayunanda, and as moderator, a journalist and presenter for ‘Green Talk’ of Beritasatu.Tv, Rike Amru.

This discussion was then followed by a dialogue with Anneke Julianita from AIESEC in Indonesia as one of the speakers. It titled, “Dialog Kaum Muda: Menyoal Kota Kita (Youth Dialogue: Questioning Our City)” which is on air via Earth Hour Indonesia’s YouTube channel at 12.00 to 14.00 WIB. The speakers of this dialogue also include I Made Oktiawan from Bike 2 Work, Nurhasanah Auliani from Earth Hour Medan, Novita Tan from Rebricks, and Chitra Subyakto from Sejauh Mata Memandang. Nashin Matani, the Indonesian delegate in Y20 2022 for the ‘Sustainable and Habitable Planet’ issue, joined the dialogue as the respondent, along with Dara Katili from The Climate Reality Project Indonesia as the moderator. Lastly, an Instagram live was also held through the Earth Hour Indonesia’s Instagram page.

These series of events concluded this year’s AIESEC in Indonesia x Earth Hour Indonesia campaign. In hopes of a constant improvement in global climate action, the Earth Hour movement repeats every year. Make sure to join in on next year’s events and save our earth!