AIESEC in UMM succeeded in opening minds and directing 235+ youths to achieve their goals by focusing on SDG no 13, namely climate action. With the theme “Global warming is global warning: YOUth action to deal with climate change”. This webinar is designed to raise youth awareness of the importance of starting to do something to prevent climate change. This activity was carried out for 2 days, on the first day the participants were given a climate change perspective from activists and their government also explained concrete actions to reduce the impact of climate change. For this session, from the government’s perspective, Anggi Pertiwi as Planner at the Environmental Affairs Directorate of BAPPENAS, while from an activist perspective, Melissa Kowara as the National Coordinator of Extinction Rebellion Indonesia and Steering Committee Pause for Climate. The second day was filled with a workshop on Eco StartUp delivered by David Christian as CEO and Founder of Evo&Co and a responsible waste management workshop, this session was explained directly by Dwi Septi as Program Manager at ecoBali Recycling.

This time, AIESEC in UMM collaborated with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur to provide awareness on the importance of the impact of climate change which is currently being felt. With the presentation by speakers who are competent in the environmental field, AIESEC in UMM hopes for the youth to be more aware and concerned with climate change that is happening now.

Various great speakers who are experts in their fields are present in this virtual webinar. Among them are: Fakhri Aufa as Assistant Vice President Strategic Partnership and Business Development at PT SMI, Anggi Pertiwi Putri as Planner Environmental Affairs Directorate Company BAPPENAS, Melissa Kowara as National Coordinator of Extinction Rebellion Indonesia, Made Dwi Septiantari as Program Manager at ecoBali Recycling, and also David Christian CEO and Founder of Evo & Co took part in this event. 

At the opening ceremony on the first day, Fakhrul Aufa explained the role of PT SMI (Persero) in supporting sustainable development and climate change. He emphasized that PT SMI has a business pillar, namely sustainable financing related to climate change. In addition, he explained about the sustainable initiatives where PT SMI wants to become a Sustainability Promoter.

Furthermore, in the second session, Anggi Pertiwi explained the influence of development planning on the environment and explained the core and explained the government’s tips in dealing with climate change problems. He explained that currently Bappenas and President Joko Widodo are drafting the RPJMN document or the National Medium-Term Development Plan to answer the challenges faced by the government, one of the designs is Building the Environment, Improving Disaster Resilience and Climate Change.

After the presentation from the government’s perspective, in the third session, Melissa Kowara explained the importance of systematic change in suppressing the increase in temperature and climate change. This systematic need to be changed because solving a case as big as climate change also requires a lot of effort. He also invited the youth to voice their concrete actions collectively now. In his session, he also said that sectoral ego often occurs for young people which then makes them afraid to start a collaboration.

The second day opened with Made Dwi Septiantari explaining waste management that needs to be started in other cities. As is known, the city of Bali has implemented systems such as limiting the use of plastic waste. As for Ecobali, they provide trash bins to make it easier for people to sort their waste. In Indonesia, people don’t or don’t even care about the importance of sorting out waste. Dwi hopes that this big impact can be implemented in other cities, one of which is Malang City, and small impacts can be carried out from young people or individuals because later it will definitely be useful in the future.

The closing session of Impact Circle this time was filled with David Christian, an inspiring young man who found a solution by starting his own eco startup. He explained that climate change in Indonesia was very severe compared to Canada where he studied. David sees that packaging or plastic cutlery is the biggest contributor to waste, therefore at Evoware, he tries to make biodegradable packaging. But unfortunately the products marketed only attract foreign consumers, for Indonesian consumers the price of plastic packaging is much cheaper than biodegradable packaging. He hopes that the current generation will be aware of the importance of climate change and continue its steps.


AIESEC is an international youth organization that is present in 120 countries, one of which is in Indonesia. In Indonesia alone, AIESEC has been established for more than 30 years and has spread across 26 universities. AIESEC in UMM itself is a Local Committee whose members include students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Every semester, AIESEC in UMM holds a social project based on SDGs points by the United Nations. This social project was attended by dozens of foreign students from various countries and also students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Each social project lasts 6 weeks. The purpose of holding this social project itself is to develop the leadership of members and also participate in the development of Malang City. For further information about AIESEC in UMM, please contact the External Relations section of AIESEC in UMM, Rahmad Eko Wiranto via e-mail at rahmadeko.wiranto@aiesec.netÂ