Do you ever feel like our environment’s getting less healthy? When our environment gets less healthy, it affects our bodies too. But worry not, there’s hope! A transformative initiative is here to pave the way towards a healthier, happier future.

But why is it so important to pay attention to our health? Let’s look at some surprising facts about it.

  • Air pollution can cause long-term health damage.

Environmental pollution can negatively impact human well-being in a variety of ways. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases, water pollution can cause digestive diseases, and exposure to harmful chemicals can cause cancer and other health problems.

  • A healthy diet is not just about dieting.

A healthy diet is not just about losing weight but rather focuses on fulfilling the body’s nutritional needs in a balanced manner and according to individual health conditions.

  • Being optimistic is good for your health. 

Optimistic people tend to live longer and healthier lives than pessimistic people. 

  • Managing waste properly can preserve habitat.

Poor waste management can pollute soil, water and air, resulting in the destruction of animal, and plant habitats. By managing waste properly, we can protect natural habitats and biodiversity.

  • A healthy ocean equals a noisy ocean.

It may sound strange, but a loud marine ecosystem means it’s healthy. Conversely, a silent ocean can be an indicator of a damaged ecosystem. So, keep the ocean clean and reduce noise pollution to keep marine life thriving!

VITATION is an initiative by AIESEC in UPNVJ that is more than just a project. It’s a journey towards unlocking health and happiness within ourselves and our communities. VITATION is a program focusing on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 3: Good Health and Well-being. It aims to ensure good health and well-being for all individuals across all age groups. Through a hybrid approach, combining virtual and offline activities held in Jakarta, VITATION strives to make a tangible difference in promoting health and happiness.

Local Project Winter Peak “Edlevate” AIESEC in UPNVJ 2023

But how does VITATION make a difference? Firstly, it provides a platform for youth development through its Local Project, offering a four-week volunteering opportunity in projects aligned with SDGs. This enables young individuals to create impactful changes in society while honing their leadership skills.

How about the benefits you’ll get from VITATION’s experience?

  • Volunteer Experience: Have you ever wanted to engage in meaningful volunteer work? Here’s your chance to contribute directly to the realization of SDGs!
  • Expand your network and gain new insights: Connect with like-minded individuals, broaden your perspectives, and deepen your understanding of global issues.
  • Get involved in creating innovative solutions and driving positive changes in your community.
  • Develop essential skills like leadership, public speaking, analytical thinking, and teamwork.

Through VITATION, you will not only contribute to improving health outcomes but also foster personal growth and societal impact. This is your chance to be a part of something bigger, to join hands with others in building a healthier and happier world.

Interested much? Let’s take a look at some testimonials from previous Local Projects in AIESEC UPNVJ:

How Local Project Became a Valuable and Memorable Experience for Raihan Basith

Raihan Basith while teaching a lesson for the kids

“The Edlevate 2.0 activity was a very memorable experience in the field of education, for 2 weeks getting mentoring sessions by resource persons who are experts and experienced in teaching and offline sessions to psychologists made this event interesting because it increased understanding about communication. The session of teaching children with disabilities is the thing I like the most because it is a valuable and memorable experience.”

Tammy Jovanka’s Journey to the Local Project Through Her Love for Children and Teaching

Tammy Jovanka while playing with the kids

“I really love children and I love teaching, it just so happened that my friends in AIESEC knew about this LP and offered it! During the online to offline learning process, I gained a lot of new knowledge, chatted with speakers from abroad and within the country, didn’t feel burdened at all, I was really embraced by the mentors, the delegates were also really fun omooo!!! Then until the peak event to YPAC was also really exciting, really a day that can’t be forgotten !!!!”

Become a part of VITATION and make a difference in your health and happiness. Register now and embark on this journey with us!

🔗 Registration link:

📖 Further information:

With VITATION, we’re on a journey to a healthier, happier world. Let’s join hands and make it happen!

Visit the AIESEC in UPNVJ Instagram account at @aiesecupnvj to keep up to date with our activities!