by Farrel Dharma | Jan 4, 2024 | Leadership, Youth
Since the start of 2023, specifically in March. I decided to write my thoughts in my notebook for self reflection. First it was your conventional diary where it only consisted of writing. But one day I decided to glue the receipts from the cafes I went to, the movie...
by Farrel Dharma | Nov 21, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Leadership, MC Stories
How did AIESEC changed Kak Ai’s life? let’s check it out! What made you want to join AIESEC? I first joined AIESEC because I was interested in the global network it offered, a chance for me to network with the coolest people around the world was...
by Farrel Dharma | Nov 14, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, Career Tips, Leadership, Local Project, MC Stories
The stark reality of the climate crisis is no longer a distant threat; it’s upon us. From extreme weather events and rising sea levels to wildfires and shifting ecosystems, the signs of climate change are increasingly evident. The urgency of addressing this...
by Farrel Dharma | Nov 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
Di zaman dimana Hustle Culture dan produktivitas tanpa henti, konsep tentang “istirahat yang produktif” mungkin terdengar aneh. Namun, ini adalah konsep yang bisa membantu kamu untuk memahami bahwa produktivitas dan kreativitas seringkali muncul dari momen istirahat...
by Farrel Dharma | Oct 11, 2023 | Leadership, MC Stories, Youth
Setiap orang memiliki gaya kepemimpinan yang berbeda-beda dengan highlight tertentu. Hal ini tentunya bergantung dari latar belakang, lingkungan, serta orang yang akan dia pimpin kelak. Tetapi, tahukah kamu bahwa gaya kepemimpinan dapat tercermin melalui preferensi...