Have you ever taken the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator personality test? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a test that was first introduced by Katharine Cook Briggs and her son Isabel Briggs Myers in 1942. They developed this test based on the theory of psychologist Dr. The influential Carl Gustav Jung invented the MBTI personality test in 1942. Today, MBTI has been widely used and has been in use for more than 70 years. You should try to take this MBTI test to help you understand how your personality, skills, and interests can determine your future career choices!
So far, many people think that there are only two personalities in this world, namely introvert and extrovert. Through the MBTI test, you can find out that personality is more than that! The MBTI test divides a person’s personality based on several dichotomous categories, namely Introversion (I) vs Extraversion (E), Intuitive (N) vs Sensory (S), Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P). From the combination of 8 categories, there are 16 personality types that can be owned by everyone.
In the current days, the MBTI test is usually used by companies to assess the suitability of prospective employees and improve team unity in an organization. This is achieved by increasing self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses through identifying personality types. Here, we will discuss some of the career options that suit personalities among the 16 different types of MBTI.
An ISTJ is a person whose personality generally appears serious and formal. They like and pursue values such as honor, hard work and social responsibility. At work, they are known as someone who is responsible, reliable, and organized. They like to use analytical and critical thinking and are very detail-oriented. The careers of an ISTJ that can be taken into consideration are Dentists, Public Accountants, Administrators, Business Analysis, Aircraft Mechanics, and Civil Engineers.
An ISFJ is a generous person. They value harmony and cooperation, are sensitive to the feelings of others, and are kind. An ISFJ has a strong work ethic and is dedicated to their job. They have excellent memory skills and the ability to get along with others which makes an ISFJ suitable for a career in social work, bookkeeping, or office administration. The careers of an ISFJ that can be taken into consideration are Research Analysis, Accountants, Portraits, Administration Managers, Elementary School Teachers, Nurses, and Nutritionists.
An ISTP is a rational and logical person. They have personality traits that are less easily recognized and it is difficult to anticipate their reactions. An ISTP is attracted to a work environment that has a place to channel ideas in a free and organized manner. They enjoy analytical or technical assignments, and they are quick to find solutions when problems arise. The careers of an ISTP that can be taken into consideration are Technicians, Construction Workers, Forensic Scientists, and Programmers.
An ISFP is an introvert who doesn’t actually seem introverted. Brands are warm, approachable, friendly, and fun to hang out with. They see the importance of meeting people who enjoy exploring things and discovering new experiences. In the workplace, they prefer autonomy and complete tasks according to their own schedule. They are more concerned with harmony and avoiding the problems that face it. The careers of an ISFP that can be taken into consideration are Veterinarians, Archaeologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Pharmacy Technicians, Nursing Assistants, and Social Media Managers.
An INFJ is a logical and rational person who is constantly looking for meaning and truth. They usually don’t take things at the surface level or accept things as they are. When it comes to careers, they value a peaceful work environment and are deep thinkers who value challenges at work. They are empathetic, caring, and insightful. The careers of an INFJ that can be taken into consideration are Counselors, Writers, Scientists, Librarians, and Psychologists.
An INTJ is quiet and comfortable being alone. They are attracted to ideas and theories because they have analytical thinking. They excel at planning and strategizing, and dislike uncertainty. Careers for INTJs that can be taken into consideration include Photographers, Financial Advisors, Marketing Managers, and Physical Therapists.
An INFP is a quiet person and chooses not to talk about themselves. They like to spend time alone in quiet places and are easygoing and flexible people. In their careers, they try to learn new things and change the world. They always carry an enthusiastic trait to work and often find it difficult to maintain excitement for long. They are considered to be great communicators suitable as a Social worker, Psychologist, Artist, and Human Resources Manager.
An INTP is generally a responsible personality. They enjoy understanding and conceptualizing complex concepts. They enjoy providing insightful solutions and as great problem solvers. INTPs are very creative and intelligent. Highly specialized careers stimulate their need for insight and reasoning, such as Composers, Professors, Writers, Web Developers and Marketing Consultants.
An ESTP is an action-oriented person and has a strong need for social. They are logical thinkers and enjoy using data and patterns to make decisions. They have the perseverance and innovation to face challenges. The ideal careers for an ESTP are Paramedic, Creative Director, Construction Manager, and Project Coordinator.
An ESFP is a person who likes to make things practical and realistic. They are attracted to people and enjoy being in the spotlight in public. ESFPs love to share what they make with others. They also enjoy any job with joy and diversity. Careers that are suitable for an ESFP are Event Planner, Tour Guide, Sales Representative, Beautician, and Flight Attendant.
An ESTJ is an organized, dedicated person, honest, dignified, and often takes on a leadership role. They excel in a carefully established order and are hard workers. An ESTJ can guide others and can be relied on. Careers suitable for an ESTJ are Judge, Coach, Hotel Manager, Real Estate Agent, and Finance Officer.
An ESFJ is a person who is easy to get along with, loves to interact with other people, and makes people happy. In general, they are looking for careers that will allow them to establish a social order. An ESFJ is usually sensitive to the needs of others and often helps others to create harmony at work. Careers suitable for an ESFJ are Museum Curator, Office Manager, Medical Researcher, and Technical Support Specialist.
An ENFP is highly individualistic and goes to great lengths to come up with their own appearances, methods and ideas. They are responsive and work from their feelings, which is why an ENFP is attracted to a more casual work environment. Careers suitable for an ENFP are Editor, Product Manager, Musician, Reporter, and Personal Trainer.
An ENTP is an intelligent and knowledgeable person. They are more focused on big ideas and like conceptual work in problem-solving. The ENTP is ideal for thinking in entrepreneurship and has a hard time working in hierarchies. Careers suitable for an ENTP are Engineering, Lawyer, Copywriter, Financial Planner, Creative Director, and Systems Analysis.
An ENFJ is an extrovert, idealistic, and ethical. They know how to connect with other people and feed on intuition and feelings. ENFJs are leaders who remain empathetic to the needs of those around them. In general, an ENFJ feels compelled to make the world a better place. Careers suitable for an ENFJ are Counseling Guidance, Art Director, Public Relations Manager, and Sales Manager.
The ENTJ is a leader who sees challenges as opportunities to push themselves. They are naturally gifted leaders, dare to make decisions, and weigh options quickly and carefully. In general, an ENTJ is charismatic and confident and can motivate others to achieve the same goals. Careers suitable for an ENTJ are Business Administrator, Astronomist, Mechanical Engineer, and Construction Manager.
Of the 16 types of MBTI, they explain what kind of things suit the world of work and what kind of suit you are in your career choice. Your MBTI type will tell you many things about yourself, your interests, and your ideal career. That is why a personality is the first step in finding the most appropriate and useful one to support your future career. Therefore, find your career according to your personality from now!
Source :
Career Assessment Site, The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types, https://careerassessmentsite.com/tests/myers-briggs-tests/about-the-myers-briggs-type-indicator/the-16-myers-briggs-personality-types/, accessed on 28 April 2021.
The Myers and Briggs Foundation, The 16 MBTI Types, https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/the-16-mbti-types.htm, accessed on 28 April 2021.
Indeed, Job Compatibility for the 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types (Chart Included), https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/jobs-for-myers-briggs-personality-type, accessed on 24 April 2021.