How was your Ramadhan this year? For our fellow Muslim readers, we all know that Eid is around the corner.

Eid is a moment of celebration for Muslims who are eagerly awaited after we endure eating and drinking, fighting emotions, and lust for 30 days during the month of Ramadan.

Who doesn’t wait for this moment? Everyone is definitely looking forward to the moment of Eid. But this moment also allows us to gather with extended families who have been separated from their respective interests. However, currently the COVID-19 pandemic has created a distance between people. This year’s Eid cannot be done in their respective hometowns, in order to avoid spreading the virus.

The community has a deep longing for celebrating Eid. To reduce the longing, people use social media to enliven Eid by uploading photos of last year’s Eid memories in their hometowns. Here are the memories that are missed during Eid in my hometown:

Photo by

1. Homecoming (Mudik)

Homecoming is one of the most common Lebaran traditions in Indonesia. During Eid al-Fitr, many people return to their respective villages to meet and gather with their families. Homecoming is usually done 1 week before Lebaran. However, in the current situation, we are advised not to go home.

Traffic jams during homecoming are ‘hated’ but always missed. Every year the Indonesian people always go home to their hometowns during Eid. Not even Muslims who want to go home. As a result, the streets get jammed every year because of the homecoming ritual. Unfortunately, we don’t feel the traffic jam this year, because corona has made the government prohibit homecoming. So, be patient, let’s keep our desire to go home this year.

Photo by Kaskus

2. Takbiran

The night before Eid Al-Fitr where people gather to celebrate and welcome the day of victory with parades and music played with drum. The echo of the Takbir on the night of Eid gave the Muslims goosebumps. Therefore, they are reluctant to spend the takbiran at their hometown. The takbiran event on the night of Eid al-Fitr is an atmosphere that Muslims in the village miss.

3. Gathering with family and neighbors

One of the typical Eid activities that must be done via online then is to visit family or neighbors’ homes to stay in touch. In order to minimize the potential for the spread of the corona virus, the Minister of Religion appealed to enough online contact, such as through the Zoom application and social media. Usually, in these moments of friendship, apart from apologizing to each other, we will also spend quality time with our relatives. Various activities such as taking photos together, chatting, eating together, and playing games were also carried out.

Photo by Bisma Mahendra on Unplash

4. Eid prayers 

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) recently issued a fatwa on guidelines for Eid prayer 1441 Hijriah. In the fatwa, Eid al-Fitr prayers in congregation in the MUI fatwa are allowed, but with a note. If Muslims are in controlled areas or areas free of COVID-19 and it is believed that there is no transmission, then Eid al-Fitr prayers can be performed in congregations such as in mosques or fields with due regard to health regulations. However, for areas with corona cases, the MUI appealed to Eid prayers to be carried out at home only.

Photo by Gradikaa Anggi on Unplash

5. Open house

On the second or third day of Eid, usually some people will do what is called an open house. We will also be busy cleaning and arranging the house, preparing food, and making up ourselves to stay in touch with guests who come to the house.

However, in the midst of this pandemic, open houses also seem to be an activity that cannot be implemented. The reason is, an open house is an activity that involves many people gathering in one place. This can be a means of spreading the corona virus because it does not apply physical distancing. No need to worry, there is only one solution: open house via online alias do video conferencing with relatives and family.

Those are some moments we missed during this year’s eid. which one do you miss the most? Nonetheless, don’t forget to abide by the health protocols and stay safe, especially around our beloved family members

Source Featured Image: Photo by Siti Rahmanah Mat Daud on Unsplash

Writer: Salsabila Rahma Az Zahro