by AIESEC in UNS | Feb 10, 2024 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Career Tips, Leadership, MC Stories
Hi, you are the one on the screen who is trying to find the answer about “switching careers”!! Do you ever have distracting nights where you overthink your future, young peeps? Ouh, that’s the worst feeling ever!! But, that’s okay, now, you find the treasure...
by Farrel Dharma | Nov 21, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Leadership, MC Stories
How did AIESEC changed Kak Ai’s life? let’s check it out! What made you want to join AIESEC? I first joined AIESEC because I was interested in the global network it offered, a chance for me to network with the coolest people around the world was...
by AIESEC in UNS | Nov 20, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Career Tips, Leadership, MC Stories, Youth
“AIESEC itu sebenernya ngapain, sih?” mungkin itulah pertanyaan yang sering terlintas dari banyak anak muda yang masih belum tahu soal AIESEC. Apakah kamu salah satunya? Yuk, kita coba cari tahu sama-sama! Apa itu AIESEC? Let’s find out! AIESEC adalah sebuah...
by AIESEC in UPNVJ | Oct 6, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Leadership, Press Release, Youth
16 September 2023 – AIESEC in UPNVJ berhasil menyelenggarakan acara yang sangat dinantikan: Youth Today x Join AIESEC 2023. Acara ini menjadi sorotan dalam kalender pelamar Join AIESEC, yang memberikan pengetahuan baru dan semangat keterlibatan mengenai...
by AIESEC in UNS | Oct 6, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Leadership, Youth
How’s life as an AIESECer?Is it challenging, or perhaps a lot of fun? Let’s find out about real life as an AIESECer through the bittersweet moments! AIESEC is becoming a trending topic among college students, One question that often comes up is, ‘What does it...
by Farrel Dharma | Sep 6, 2023 | AIESEC Journey, AIESEC Membership, Leadership, Youth
If you want a story about how I managed through my struggles and overcame challenges in my 20s and become a totally different person in such a short time. This is probably not the story for you. This is a story about how you should let yourself grow and more...