AIESEC in Prasetya Mulya (PM) has successfully conducted and became the first and piloting LC of AIESEC Future Leaders. Furthermore, connecting 60 participants coming from 16 different universities across Indonesia, including one from Malaysia. After almost three months, participants are nearly at the end of their journey. Though conducted completely online, everyone was able to participate and contribute to their own and their peers’ learning process.

AIESEC Future Leaders (AFL) is designed to push youth to take charge and engage in their community alongside coaches and speakers who are with them every step of the way. Participants are exposed to a community where everyone is eager to further develop their leadership role. They are given opportunities to learn soft and technical skills and a platform to connect and discuss their ideas and vision. Not merely confined to their respective groups, participants are given the chance to connect and discover new and fresh perspectives from other groups. Furthermore, AFL provides participants to connect and grow their network for assistance for their forthcoming step afterward.

To pursue AIESEC in PM’s vision of a butterfly effect, sessions conducted are designed to encourage ‘change’ in participants’ perspectives. The butterfly effect states that even a minute change to anything or anyone can catalyze an impact elsewhere. In hopes of this, we have provided participants with a deliberately designed curriculum where we pose the themes of change each month the event is held. Starting with, ELEVATE, where participants have learned about the importance of having a growth mindset and emotional maturity. The second month’s theme was CONNECT, where participants were engaged in effective communication and conflict management sessions. Ultimately, participants will complete their journey with FLY, where they can apply their previous learnings to proposal creation and project management.

Our first ever session was about growth mindset where Natasya Halim, our in-house speaker and coach, shared her trials and tribulations with it. The next session was all about emotional maturity with Kim Valerie, where participants can learn further about the importance of accepting and learning from their mistakes. We introduced Maurisius Edward, Channel Execution Manager at Danone and ex-VP of External Relations at AIESEC in PM 2019. Participants got the chance to experience deal-making first-hand and how to avoid miscommunication in harsh conditions. In our fourth session, we asked participants to share their experience in dealing with conflicts either with peers, supervisors, or even families; assisted by Timothy Senjaya. Our second to the last session pushed participants into putting together a proposal plan, this time we invited not one but three speakers at the same time. Our latest session also marked the last session for participants, in which participants get to apply all their previous learnings into managing a project. In the end, we hope that participants can truly capture the essence of all these sessions and tie it in and apply them to their journey forward.

We sat down with one of the participants to ask about her experience in AFL so far, Tiffanny, a third-year student studying Fashion Business at LaSalle College Jakarta says that “AFL has been very insightful and has opened my mind and doors for me. Being in the session where everyone wants to learn something useful for their future in leadership as well as talking about the behaviors one shall have in being a good leader.” She has also expressed her excitement and interest in joining both bi-weekly and networking sessions noting, “These sessions also help to build the confidence for me to speak out  and probably have done this for so many other attendees as well.”

In joint efforts with coaches, speakers, and participants, we can truly deliver AIESEC in PM’s utmost dedication towards the development of today’s youths. Together, we have shown resilience in the face of our biggest challenge, the pandemic. We continue to push people’s boundaries and help them to thrive in uncertain times to hopefully bring forward a significant and grand change. Currently, AIESEC Future Leaders will be held in 10 universities in Indonesia. Register yourself to take part in this event at the link below.